Why do we eat fish?

We eat fish because it tastes so good and it is so easy to prepare a meal in just a few minutes.

Fish is a unique food source in that it does not contain carbohydrates, it is rich in minerals and vitamins and is the only known food source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The consumption of fish is advocated by health authorities worldwide and for this reason aquaculture play such an important role in our lives.
Aquaculture is therefore a reliable supplier of low fat, high quality source of proteins and other nutrients.

Minerals and Vitamins

Most oily fish are rich in Vitamin A, this is in it`s retinol form making it easy to absorb. The lining of important body organs including the heart and blood vessels require vitamin A to remain in good shape. It is especially important because it stimulates night vision and aids the immune system besides being an anti-oxidant.
Vitamin B is also found in fish, this under the form of Vitamin B complex and is important in controlling our metabolism and the formation of red blood cells.
Fish are also a source of vitamin D, this vitamin is responsible for regulating blood calcium levels.
Additionally fish contain iodine and selenium these minerals are maintain the immune system and thyroid function amongst other things


Fish are a major source of omega-3 fatty acids. These components in our diets are referred to as Omega-3 essential fatty acids and play an important role through our various life stages.
During infancy and childhood, DHA one of the long chain omega-3s found in fish and is a critical component for building brain tissue, for nerve growth and development of the retina in the unborn child.
Research has shown that children who regularly consumed fish had a four times lower risk of developing asthma than children who don`t.
Eating fish benefits those who are at high risk of ischemic heart disease. Recent research has shown that two forms of omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA have a significant impact on the stiffness in the large arteries which can lead to systolic hypertension and increased pulse pressure. This study adds to previous research on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids such as the lowering of triaglycerols which reduce the risk of heart disease.
There is good evidence to show that a high omega-3 diet can protect against prostate and breast cancer. Studies have also shown that there is a possibility that omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the death of tumour cells. Omega-3s also play an anti inflammatory in the body and can help to alleviate symptoms of conditions ranging from psoriasis to rheumatoid arthritis.